House Shark Takes Home Invasion to a Whole New Level
So, here I was minding my own business, just about to pop on Steven Spielberg’s Jaws, and this great big white shark comes bursting up through my freakin’ floorboards! I mean, c’mon! I’ve got sharks in the sky, tornadoes, sand, snow and now in my own home! Give us a break, man. But who am I kidding, Ron Bonk’s House Shark looks awesome, if this first poster is anything to go by, so check the artwork below, which was created by Devon Whitehead.
The film is set to begin filming in New York this month, so hopefully we will have more news for you then. For now, we know that Trey Harrison, Michael Merchant, and Wes Reid are set to star in the film.
For more information, hit up SRS Cinema.
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