Official Red Band Trailer for ‘Frankenstein Created Bikers’
It’s here. It’s finally here! The official red band trailer for James Bickert’s Frankenstein Created Bikers, has finally arrived, and it looks like all kinds of freakin’ awesome! The film, which is shot in 35mm stars some of the best talent going today with the likes of Tristan Risk, Ellie Church and Laurence R. Harvey to name a few. The trailer is filled with everything you could want, blood, boobs and total anarchy! Check out the mayhem below and let us know what you make of it?
The film also stars Jett Bryant, Madeline Brumby, Paul McComiskey, Jim Sligh, Billy Ratliff, John Collins, Shane Morton, Rob Thompson, Gia Nova, Elizabeth Davidovich, Nick Hood, Rotknee Leete, Diana Prince, and Jim Stacy.
Synopsis: A resurrected outlaw biker (Jett Bryant) finds himself addicted to the substance that brought him back from the grave. In order to get his daily fix, his gang is forced to do the bidding of two sadistic scientists attempting to capture a biological mutation and perform a human head transplant on kidnapped teenagers. When his disgruntled ex-girlfriend (Tristan Risk) is released from prison, she embarks on an explosive manhunt for her former lover and his strung-out pack of degenerates. With three dysfunctional bounty hunters, a rival motorcycle gang and an army of machine-gun toting strippers, it becomes a race against law-enforcement for bragging rights to the gang leader’s demise.
Frankenstein Created Bikers is expected to be released this Summer. But in the meantime, go give them a ‘like’ over at their official Facebook page.