Olivia Munn Joins the New ‘Predator’ Film
A little while ago we learned that actor Benicio Del Toro had stepped out of the new “Predator” film from director Shane Black only to be replaced by “Narcos” actor Boyd Holbrook. And while the film had a momentary setback, it looks like the casting train is starting to pick up steam with a new addition to the film.
According to The Hollywood Reporter Olivia Munn has been cast to star alongside Holbrook in Shane Black’s new “Predator” film. According to the site Munn will be playing a scientist working with Holbrook who will be playing a special forces commando.
And what of the true star of the film, the Predator? How will he fit into this whole thing? Well, it seems like the prolific hunter will take his game into semi-new territory: suburbia. I say semi-new because the “Aliens vs Predator: Requiem” had a suburban environment, but no one likes to remember that movie. What are the odds that it’ll have a Christmas setting with Shane Black at the helm? Survey says…. pretty high.
I just had a thought. It’s kind of hard for a Predator to really do his thing in a typical suburban neighborhood. But if there was a blizzard involved, it’d make things easier for him. Maybe we’ll finally get that snowstorm treatment that was kicking around a few years ago. That’d be pretty rad. What do you think about all of this? Let us know down below.